
Webbinarium • 23 Augusti 2023

I händelse av en incident med pågående dödligt våld (PDV)
Med anledning av det rådande samhällsläget är det viktigt att köpcentrum och andra kommersiella platser ser över sina rutiner och förbereder sig för hur man agerar vid en incident. I samarbete med SAFE Asset Group bjuder vi därför in till genomgång av guiden “Pågående Dödligt Våld (PDV)” – en övergripande guide för att implementera PDV-rutiner i köpcentrum och andra kommersiella platser. Guiden är framtagen av NCSC i samarbete med SAFE Asset group och finns tillgänglig för alla medlemmar.

Svenska Köpcentrum 2022

Webbinarium • 10 Oktober 2022

Hur gick köpcentrum och handelsområden i Sverige under 2021?
Köpcentrumbranschen drabbades hårt av pandemirestriktionerna under 2020 men hur gick branschen under 2021? HUI Research ger tillsammans med NCSC ut den årliga rapporten Svenska Köpcentrum. Den sammanställer fakta och nyckeltal från samtliga svenska köpcentrum och handelsområden (över 5 000 m2) i syfte att ge en heltäckande bild av branschens utveckling.

Grip Muligheten

Episode 4 • 23 December 2021

Hva er den gode kundeopplevelsen i kjøpesentret?
Er den gode handelen eller det gode møtet den beste opplevelsen? Eller må vi underholdes? Hva tenker Konsernsjef Bjørn Vidar Tessem fra Bitastad, Senterdiretør Per Christian Trøen fra Strømmen Storsenter og Marknadssjef Stian Tørres fra Scala Eiendom om dette?
Programleder: Harald T. Nilsen

Grip Muligheten

Episode 3 • 8 November 2021

Mennesker eller robot?
Hvordan kan digitalisering gjøre oss bedre og hvor vil menneskene fremdeles utgjøre en viktig forskjell. Hva tenker Eiendomssjef Renate Iversen fra DNB, CCO Kristian Nordtømme fra Placewise og Regional SC Manager Elisabeth Lohk fra Steen & Strøm om dette?
Programleder: Harald T. Nilsen

Grip Muligheten

Episode 2 • 9 September 2021

Er bærekraftige kjøpesentre en uutnyttet ressurs?
Kloden, kundene og samarbeidspartnere våre krever bærekraft. Hva er vårt svar? Hva tenker Leder Bærekraft Unn Hofstad fra Storebrand Eiendom, Leder for Bærekraft og Teknisk drift Scandinavia Erik Stenback fra Steen & Strøm og Salgsleder Handel Kim André Dalsaune fra Securitas Norge om dette?
Programleder: Harald T. Nilsen

Grip Muligheten

Episode 1 • 18 June 2021

En ny normal eller en ny krise?
Krisen vi nå ser slutten på har rammet svært ulikt. Den her skapt både tapere og vinnere. Selv om ting vil normalisere seg etter hvert, vil ikke fremtiden bli som fortiden. Vi må forberede oss på at ting blir annerledes. Mange ser situasjonen som krevende, mens andre ser muligheter de ikke har hatt før. Vi har nå en enestående mulighet til å forme fremtidens kjøpesenter. Hør hva Ketil (Steen & Strøm), Renate (Kvadrat), Charlotte (Colliers) og Terje (NCSC) mener om dette.
Programleder: Harald T. Nilsen

Community of the Future

25 August 2021

The world is changing more rapidly than ever, becoming increasingly interconnected, interdependent and complex. What will redefine the communities we live in in the future to meet new demands? What are the weak spots and strengths of the communities that have been revealed by the pandemic? And how does this affect the development of new communities such as Citycon’s project RE: Liljeholmen? Do we see any enduring effects on retail?

Halo Rent

1 June 2021

Changing consumer behavior puts the purpose of the retail store in a new light. Most agree that it will continue to be a pivotal part of the customer journey, in fact opening a new physical store creates a halo effect and is proven to increase web traffic with an average of 37%.¹ So how do we measure its true value and do we need new metrics and rental models going forward? Listen to this inspiring keynote by futurist and strategist Ibrahim Ibrahim, followed by an important discussion about rents, with Citycon, Cervera and Nividas Eyewear.

The Retail Store – Google’s Strongest Competitor?

15 May 2021

A well-known brand matters. Especially online. As search engines and social media platforms pockets on every click, acquiring new customers isn’t cheap. Going through the income statement – could it make more economic sense to build your brand through a physical store? We invited e-commerce expert Moon-Suck Song, PR, and Marketing specialist Billy McCormac, and Andreas Palm, CEO of “online goes offline” underwear brand CDLP for a discussion on bricks v.s. clicks!

Optimizing space to e-commerce

18 March 2021

Right before Christmas and in the middle of the pandemic, Postnord opened up a drive-thru pick-up service at the Stockholm Fair. A win-win. Portnord was able to handle large scale e-commerce deliveries and the Stockholm Fair could use its space in a completely new way. How could shoppingcenters optimize or transform large spaces to become part of e-commerce’s ”last-mile”? Hear Arne Andersson, former e-commerce advisor at Postnord and Tobias Rönnberg, leasing manager at Citycon, in a conversation about the transformation of retail.

Live Shopping

18 February 2021

How can a shopping center bridge the gap between online and offline shopping? With The Lobby Live, AMF Fastigheter has created a digital platform that consist of a studio for live video shopping and pop-up areas for physical commerce. Brands and retailers can rent the studio for live streaming activations where products can be purchased online and get delivered to your door the same day. Further, MOOD District host a series of lifestyle events – MOOD Live, where professional hosts and tenants collaborate to present the latest trends in fashion, food, interior design and beauty.

Four Pillars of Winning in Retail

4 November 2020

In this keynote, Ibrahim Ibrahim explores the changing retail landscape and the new notion of the physical shop. How it will impact the customer experience, store design, service proposition, rent, and valuation models.

Ibrahim is a futurist, strategist, and designer, a frequent speaker at events and has written a regular piece for The Economist Insights blog on design, retail and business strategy. He was recently appointed to the High Streets Task Force Board, which oversees work and addresses issues of national importance to town and city centers in the UK.

Leveraging Analytics for Retail and Property

16 June 2020

Now more than ever retailers and property owners need to understand shifting consumer behaviors. The COVID pandemic and the related economic downturn are causing these behaviors to shift more wildly and more quickly than ever before. Data and Analytics can be used to anticipate the behavior shifts and clarify the best possible responses.

Gains and losses in the Wake of the Pandemic

9 June 2020

As borders closed down and the world went into lock down some industries where hit hard while others benefitted or even ended up with empty shelves. We will talk to some of those affected most by the outbreak to find out how they coped, where they are today and what they see for the future.

The future of the Physical Destination

2 June 2020

The pandemic has undoubtably forced a shift in consumer behavior but what will this mean in the long run? Will we continue to enjoy the convenience of online shopping or are we longing for inspiration and community at a physical destination – or both?