Mapic 2021

Nordic activities during mapic

1 December 2021, Cannes, France

MAPIC is the leading annual event for the international retail property market. If you are planning to attend the fair, NCSC can offer a 50% discount* to property owners and FREE entry for retailers. Further, NCSC will host a Nordic Leasing Network Meeting and invite its members to a drink venue by courtesy of MK Illumination.

*Offer applies to NCSC members only. Limited number - first come, first serve.

Request discount code

Nordic Leasing Network Meeting

1 dec 2021
4-5 pm
Join on sight or via link

Food, Drinks & DJ

1 dec 2021, Villa L’Abri
7-11 pm
55 Av. du Petit Juas, 06400 Cannes
Sign up