3 September • 09.30 am • Zoom
Join us for a zoom conversation with Ibrahim Ibrahim, Managing Director of Portland Design and recently appointed to the High Streets Task Force Board, which oversees work and addresses issues of national importance to town and city centres in the UK. He will share his thoughts about the changing retail landscape and how this will impact the customer experience, store design, service proposition, rent and valuation models.
Tuesday 16 June • Watch on demand
Leveraging Analytics for Retail and Property
Now more than ever retailers and property owners need to understand shifting consumer behaviors. The COVID pandemic and the related economic downturn are causing these behaviors to shift more wildly and more quickly than ever before. This episode will discuss how data and analytics can be used to anticipate the behavior shifts and clarify the best possible responses.
Tuesday 9 June • Watch on demand
Gains and Losses in the Wake of the Pandemic
As borders closed down and the world went into lock down some industries where hit hard while others benefitted or even ended up with empty shelves. We will talk to some of those affected most by the outbreak to find out how they coped, where they are today and what they see for the future.
Tuesday 2 June • Watch on demand
The future of the Physical Destination
The pandemic has undoubtably forced a shift in consumer behavior but what will this mean in the long run? Will we continue to enjoy the convenience of online shopping or are we longing for inspiration and community at a physical destination – or both?